Thursday, February 7, 2008

This Week in Peer Review: The Academic Ad-Hominem

I wrote up two reviews this week.

One was for Trans. Comm. (yes, that one): it was co-authored by one of the more prominent professors in the field, and I found it to be a solid and interesting idea, though the writeup could use some polishing. I recommended acceptance, subject to revisions.

The other was for a different IEEE Transactions. The co-author was a professor whose papers I have seen before, and which have yet to impress me. This paper was like the others: a tired and unoriginal idea, with no particularly deep or interesting contribution. I recommended rejection.

But what has been bugging me this week is the idea that I may have let the names of the authors influence my reviews. I'm not saying that reversing the names would have reversed the decisions as a matter of course. But would I have been as easy on the rough writing in the first paper, or as harsh about the idea in the second paper? I'm not sure.

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